徳本 萌子 | Artist

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    『移動する植物とミシン 2023』徳本萌子

    “Moving Plants & Sewing Machines 2023” Moeko Tokumoto

    第71回東京藝術大学 卒業・修了作品展

    9:30 - 17:30(入場は 17:00 まで)会 場|東京藝術大学 上野校地 グラウンド


    公式・予約サイト→ https://diploma-works.geidai.ac.jp/

    71st Tokyo University of the Arts
    Graduation Works Exhibitions

    Faculty of Fine Arts
    Graduate School of Fine Arts Master’s Program
    January 28th – February 2nd, 2023

    [Opening Hours] 9:30am - 5:30pm (Last admission 5:00pm)
    * To prevent the spread of Coronavirus, advance reservation online is required with a designated date and time.
    Venue|Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, the University Art Museum and within Ueno Campus
    12-8 Ueno park, Taito-ku, Tokyo

    *Please make your reservation from before 10 days.

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    徳本萌子 公開制作とワークショップ

    2021 年11 月13 日(土)、14 日(日)、18 日(木)
    ~ 21 日(日) 13:00 ~ 16:00

    2021 年11 月14 日(日)、19 日(金)~ 21 日(日)
      13:00 ~ 15:00

    2021 年11 月26 日(金)~ 2022 年1 月30 日(日) 9:30~18:00
    会場: 水戸芸術館1F コーヒーラウンジ

    2022 年1 月29 日(土)、30 日(日)
    各日10:00〜11:30 / 14:00 ~ 15:30
    会場:水戸芸術館 現代美術ギャラリー内

    【協力】株式会社アイセロ、JUKI 株式会社、CLAP SHOT

  • アーティストキット、作品取り扱い

  • Profile

    徳本 萌子

    1993年生まれ 神奈川県出身

    2015年 武蔵野美術大学 テキスタイル専攻 卒業

    2023年 東京藝術大学 大学院 美術研究科 修了





    Moeko Tokumoto

    1993 Born in Kanagawa, Japan

    2015 Graduated from Musashino Art University / College of Art and Design /

    Department of Industrial, Interior and Craft Design / textile major

    2018 entrance into the Tokyo University of the Arts / Graduate School of Fine Art / Department of Intermedia Art

    2019 enrolled in second-year master’s student


    I'm a Japanese artist who works on installations based on the theme of "Moving Plants and Sewing Machines". Both plants and sewing machines are usually immobile. However, I create by going to different places and sewing leaves with my sewing machine.I also conduct workshops and public productions with my original self-built vehicle, the "Sewing Machine Car". Sewing machines have traditionally tended to have an image of being feminine, passive, and immobile. However, before the Industrial Revolution, sewing machines belonged to men, just like driving a car before. I created the Sewing Machine Car to change those images and to communicate my original passion for production.
    Also, I do not sew cloth or clothes with a sewing machine. I have been sewing tree leaves with a sewing machine since 2013. By sewing in tree leaves, I aim to isolate those times and connect different times together. I also value research-based production. I always collect tree leaves on a local site.
    People who join my workshop always say, “I'm not good at using a sewing machine.” But no one has experienced sewing leaves with a sewing machine. So everyone has the same starting point to experience my artwork. There are no differences between children and adults, or women and men.

  • note
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  • Biography



    2021.11-2022.1 公開制作と展示『ミシンカーと夜の鉢植え』水戸芸術館現代美術センター/水戸・茨城

    2020.02 『大子まちなかアートウィーク2020』大子町・茨城

    2019.10 『飛鳥アートヴィレッジ』成果発表展 明日香村・奈良

    2019.09.17-28 個展『地図柄の星 The charting planets』ギャラリールヴァン/目白・東京

    2019.03-05 『Bienal de La Habana 2019』TURN in Habana /ハバナ・キューバ

    2019.02.02-17 『大子まちなかアートウィーク2019』大子町・茨城

    2019.01.19-20 参加型公開制作『町に眠っていた古い足踏みミシンで葉をつなぎ、水脈をたどり川を渡る。』茨城県久慈郡大子町 押川河川敷

    2018.12-2019.01 『大子アーティスト・イン・レジデンス』 大子町・茨城

    2018.12.08-12.22 『ノエルの贈り物 vol.5』展 Watermark arts&crafts/国立・東京

    2018.10.09-10.14 『川の緒 - river cord -』ATRUS展 東京藝術大学取手校地

    2018.04.19-04.24 テキスタイルアート・ミニアチュール 5 福岡アジア美術館交流ギャラリー/博多・福岡

    2018.03.26-04.02 テキスタイルアート・ミニアチュール 5 日韓交流展 祥明大学校ギャラリー/ソウル・韓国

    2017.11.24-12.02 テキスタイルアート・ミニアチュール 5 Gallery5610/南青山・東京

    2017.08.04-08.06 丘の上APT 野見の市 2017 SUMMER 丘の上APT・兒嶋画廊/国分寺・東京

    2017.05.30-06.10 個展『THE FIRST SOUVENIR』 ギャラリールヴァン/目白・東京

    2016.11.11-11.27 Asia Art Highway 展 CHEOUNGJU ART STUDIO/韓国

    2016.08.07-08.28 グループ展『Yadorigi+Light Vessel』那珂湊・茨城

    2015.10.24-10.26 『繊維時間 2』 武蔵野美術大学芸術祭2015/小平・東京

    2015.03.11-03.15『実演1/繊維時間』TETSUSON2015 /3331 Arts Chiyoda

    2015.01.23-01.27 武蔵野美術大学クラフトデザインコース 卒業修了制作展2015 スパイラルガーデン/青山・東京

    2015.01.15-01.18 武蔵野美術大学卒業修了制作展2015 鷹の台キャンパス/小平・東京

    2014.10.25-10.27 『繊維時間』 武蔵野美術大学芸術祭2014/小平・東京

    2014.10.02-10.03 二日間限定展示 カフェ・いずん堂/小平・東京

    2013.10.26-10.28 『elephant skin』 武蔵野美術大学芸術祭2013/小平・東京




    2019.03 - 05 TURN in Habana ハバナ・キューバ

    2018.05.26-07.01 マッチフラッグプロジェクト 太宰府天満宮・九州国立博物館/福岡

    2017.10.08-2021.12.11 "Library of Love" by Sandra Cinto CAC/Cincinnati, USA




    2022.01.29/30 光の糸で葉っぱと古紙を縫う /水戸芸術館・茨城

    2019.05.05 こいのぼり南の島のキューバより「アートセンターをひらく」 染め織り部 /水戸芸術館・茨城




    2021.11-2022.1 "Sewing Machine Car" Contemporary Art Center Mito

    2020, Feb. 22th - Mar. 8th "Light of Memory" at “Daigo Machinaka Art Week” Daigomachi, Ibaraki

    2019, Nov. 30th - Dec. 21st Group Exhibition ”Noel no Okurimono vol.6” Watermark arts&crafts/Kunitachi, Tokyo

    2019, Nov. 23th - Dec. 15th Asuka Art Village Exhibition /Asuka village, Nara

    2019, Sep. 17th - 28th Solo-Exhibition ”Chizugara no hoshi The charting planets” Gallery RUEVENT/Mejiro,


    2019, Aug. - Dec. Asuka Art Village Artist in Residence /Asuka village, Nara

    2019, Mar. -May “Bienal de La Habana 2019” TURN in Habana /Habana, Cuba

    2019, Feb. 2nd - 17th “Daigo Machinaka Art Week” Daigomachi, Ibaraki

    2019, Jan. 19th -20th Open work in Joining style ”Connecting leaves by old pedal sewing machine slept in town,

    tracing the water vein, crossing the river.” Oshikawa riverbed, Daigomachi, Kujigun, Ibaraki

    2018, Dec. -2019, Jan. “Daigo Artist in Residence” Daigomachi, Ibaraki

    2018, Dec. 8th – 22nd Group Exhibition “Noel no Okurimono vol.5” Watermark arts&crafts/Kunitachi, Tokyo 2018,

    Oct. 9th – 14th “Kawa no o - river cord –“ ATRUS Exhibition Toride school ground, Tokyo University of the Arts

    2018, Apr. 19th – 24th "Textile Art Miniature by 100 textile artists" Fukuoka Asian Art Museum/Hakata, Fukuoka

    2018, Mar. 26th - Apr. 2nd "Textile Art Miniature by 100 textile artists" Sangmyung University Gallery/Soul, Korea

    2017, Nov. 24th - Dec. 2nd "Textile Art Miniature by 100 textile artists" Gallery5610/Aoyama, Tokyo

    2017, Oct.  "Library of Love" by Sandra Cinto Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center/Cincinnati – USA

    2017, Aug. 4th – 6th "Nominoichi 2017 SUMMER" APT on the hill, Gallery Kojima/Kokubunji, Tokyo

    2017, May 30th - Jun. 10th Solo-Exhibition "THE FIRST SOUVENIR"/Gallery RUEVENT/Mejiro, Tokyo

    2016, Nov. 11th – 27th Asia Art Highway CHEOUNGJU ART STUDIO/Korea

    2016, Aug. 7th – 28th Group Exhibition"Yadorigi+Light Vessel" Nakaminato,Ibaraki

    2015, Mar. 11th-15th "Demonstration-1" TETSUSON2015 /3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo

    2015, Jan. 23th-27th Musashino Art University Craft Design Course, Graduation Works Exhibition2015 /Spiral

    Garden/ Aoyama, Tokyo

    2015, Jan. 15th-18th Musashino Art University Graduation Works Exhibition2015 /Kodaira, Tokyo


    Art Projects


    2022.1.29-30 WORKSHOP " Sewing leaves & wasted paper with luminous thread" Contemporary Art Center Mito

    2019, May 5th Koinobori from southern island Cuba “Open the Art Center” Workshop of dyeing and weaving

    department /Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki

    2019, Mar. - May TURN in Habana Workshops in 2 facilities for the elderly and the elementary school Habana,


    2018, May 26th-Jul. 1st Match flag project Dazaifu-temmangu, Kyusyu national museum/Fukuoka, Japan

    2017, Oct. 8th – 2021, Dec. 11th "Library of Love" by Sandra Cinto CAC/Cincinnati, USA

  • Contact

    Please feel free to contact me about job offers, exhibition feedback, etc.